
Showing posts from November, 2018

I AM A Child of God

If you grew up in a rough atmosphere, not the best relationships with your family it is so hard to figure out who you are in the eyes of God. This has been something I have struggled with for almost 4 years now. It's so hard to see God's wonderful grace, his mercy, his compassion, his total unconditional love. I've never experienced these types of things in my life, so how can God........... I try my hardest to show these things to my own kids so they never have to struggle in knowing what this all looks like. My prayer today is that I can see/feel/know/understand all these qualities from a God that I know through the bible loves me.

When I thought He had left me......

I had one of the best experiences at church last Friday, an experience that I hope that I will never forget. I'll start at the beginning.... Saturday we had a teen quiz scheduled about 2.5 hours away, so we decided just to have a sleepover at church so parents didn't have to come into town super early. There's only one boy in the team, my son, so he decided to sleep at home and come with his dad the next morning. So, I said I'd stay with the girls. Seven girls. Seven pre-teen and teen girls. Well, they practiced for the quiz until about 10, then they played around for quite awhile. I was able to get some work done, so I just let them run around and play around until 11:45. I decided that I should go down to the teen room and tell them to start getting calmed down and ready for bed. My hope was to at least get 6 hours of sleep. My hope. I opened the door to the teen room to witness all of the girls crying. Yep, who would figure? They seriously were just runni...