What I learned at VBS!

This week has been full of Vacation Bible School! If you ever need to find some energy or joy in your life spend a week with almost 50 kids!!! When a child smiles at you, you can't help but smile back. When a kid comes running up to you and gives you a great big hug, you can't help but feel loved and you want to do anything possible to make that child feel loved.

I learned a lot this week. I know that VBS is supposed to be about teaching children verses and stories from the bible, but I learned so much this week! I learned to have a great deal of patience, sometimes it was okay that things didn't go as I had planned them! I learned to just go with the flow. I learned to smile, even though my heart was aching on the inside. Sometimes that smile not only helps you, but makes someone's else's life just a little better. I learned that everything that happens in life is due to God! Everything!

One year ago I stepped foot into this church, unsure of my life. I stepped in for my kids, NOT for me. I remember that day so clearly. I wanted my kids to go there to attend Vacation Bible School, so I had told my husband, "How about we go so we can make sure the kids are going to be okay there?" Basically, I was making sure they were going to feel welcome. Since that day, so much has happened. Things that I could have never guessed would happen. God started working on me that very first step into the door that day. I remember seeing all these smiling faces and I remember feeling loved. I hadn't felt that in such a long time, not truly. How is it that you can simply walk into a place and automatically feel loved? God's grace? God's presence? Every time that I think about that day and this past year I have to shake my head in amazement. There's only one reason why I am where I am today: God, it's in His plan.

Anyways, today, we had our VBS program during our church service. I received a card from the church, after which I should have just grabbed the microphone and said what I'm about to say. (But of course my nerves got to me and I froze!I know, shocker!)

         I couldn't have done any of this without everyone pulling together and helping out!!! People that are fairly new to the church stepped up and helped out without even thinking twice! The reason that this VBS was such a hit was all the volunteers that worked together, not me. Nightly there was something that would catch my eye. From a teacher that would say how great their class was and that he/she loved each and every child to the smiles on the faces of each child that were singing and dancing. From the boisterous yelling about who was going to win the offering contest to the boy who was scared of what was going on and sat in a teenage boys lap for comfort. This week was full of relationships, from the adults that were leading and helping out to the teenagers that were forming relationships with all these young kids. I hope more then anything that the teens will always "look" out for the kids they formed those relationships with. I pray that they will be great role models for these kids. I hope that they know that there are always little eyes watching everything they do, that is what VBS is made of. Great relationships were formed, not only with each other, but with Christ. How awesome is it that over half of the kids that attended VBS asked Jesus into their heart! I pray that each child continues to have that relationship, above all others. I pray that each volunteer, including me, could see how carefree those children were in worshiping Christ. That they exhibited that "Child-like faith." Adults tend to base beliefs on what can be seen and touched, instead of following a child's example and believing and having faith that God is out their watching out for them. I pray that we will all have child-like faith.

Matthew 18:3 And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Faith: it's more about seeing, it's believing that God has everything under control. That He will always be looking out for you. That He truly, truly loves you. You are His child. You and me! His love is unconditional. I've screwed up so many times in my life, but God will never, absolutely never turn His back on me. I know He's there. There are times that I can feel his presence. I can't physically touch Him, but I know He's there. Will I still struggle, most definitely, but I'm starting to be okay with that. I still have so much work to do in my life. I recognize this, but more than anything, I hope that I can continue to work on having that child-like faith so that I can continue to grow. But I want to continue to grow not for myself, but for Christ Jesus.


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