Good Bye 2015!!!

Image result for lyrics for touch the sky2015, I'm so glad you are over! That year was a year full of so many struggles, emotionally, physically, & spiritually! Seems like once I thought I might over come one, another one would hit me at full force. I really don't want to talk about that year anymore!

I'm ready to look forward, hoping and praying that things will be so much different for me in 2016. That I will be able to accept changes in my life as a good thing, knowing that's God wants. That I willingly will make changes in my life! That I will give up control of my life to God & that I'll be okay with that.

Sunday I'm going to sing the song, Touch the Sky, by Hillsong, during church. One line in this song is, "I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground." That's where I'm at right now, that's where 2015 was, I was on the ground, broken, not knowing what to do or where to go. Feeling like I could not do anything right! I struggled with relationships, with following Jesus, with simple daily tasks, with being a wife, with being a mom.

Every bit of peace and hope seemed so far out of my reach. There were times where I would convince myself that I was going to be okay. There were times that I could convince those closest to me that I thought that. There were quite a few months in there that I struggled more than only a few that know me the closest could ever imagine. I'm not proud of how 2015 went. I made a lot of poor choices, but I'm hoping that I learned from them.

There was a lot of change in my life, not willingly! Okay, willingly, not happily! Haha! I struggled though every one of those changes. I still struggle through change, but it doesn't disrupt my life like it had been.

Sorry, back to the song! (I won't bore you by going through the whole thing.)

The next lines that I need to live by in 2016: "Find me here at Your feet again, everything I am, reaching out, I surrender, Come sweep me up in Your love again, and my soul will dance, on the wings of forever."

I surrender; my wants, my own desires, my own thoughts, my own control!!!! I will live my life in this next year according to Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight!"

Everything that I am, I surrender. I submit. I'm done doing this on my own! I can't do it anymore! My whole life I spent trying to prove that I could do it on my own! It's so apparent to me right now that I can't do it on my own! That I need to make Jesus Lord of my life!


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