Think differently and Follow God

Well, I almost hate to say this....because I'll probably come down later....but I've had a few good days in a row!! I'm worried because usually I can do this for awhile, but then I hit a wall, and everything comes crashing down on me. But I'm hoping that I'll "choose differently and think differently" when those walls start closing in on me.

Towards the end of this week I woke up and decided that I was going to have a better day. So I wrote two things on my hand, "Think Differently and Focus on God." Ever since then I have kept writing those statements on my hand. Now, the focus on God part is pretty self-explanatory. The "Think differently" might require some explanation. My pastor told me this awhile ago and it didn't really stick with me until this week.

Displaying IMG_1514.JPGBasically, the way I was thinking before I was saved, before I made the choice to become a follower of Christ was wrong. My focus was on myself and my own wants/desires. Now, my focus has to change from myself, to Christ and God. Maybe the question that constantly needs to come to my head is "What would Jesus do?" before every decision that I have to make. Simple enough, huh? Well, apparently not for me because it's took this long to see it! But, one day at a time, right? (Okay, maybe one hour or task at a time!)

Last week was another emotional roller coaster for me, as I continued to try to push people out of my life, people that love me and want to help me through. People that are not scared to tell me to knock it off! People that are not afraid to say, WHAT are you doing? WHAT are you choosing to do? God knew I needed these people/friends in my life!!! Thank YOU! I will continue to work on the fact that I need to rely on people! That I need to let others "carry my burdens," this has been extremely hard for me for many reasons. I've always had the attitude I can do it myself. But, if I'm going to "Focus on God" I have to rely on others. I need people that I can totally trust in my life. That's a hard thing for me to admit!!!

No matter what life throws at you there is always someone that has been through worse. How you handle the situations that arise in your life are up to you and me. Are you going to let the devil pull you down a dark path of self-destruction OR are you going to let Christ walk beside you, put His arm around you and let you know that you ARE going to be okay? The choice is up to you and me!!!! It's all about free will and choice!!!!

I've come to a realization this week that the future scares the crap out of me, because it's not in MY control anymore! That is one reason why I have fought with everything in me against God and completely turning to Him, complete surrender. Control and routine are two of the things that I have struggled with for awhile. I'm great, as long as my routine is pretty much the same and I have control over things. (That's also why marriage is hard for me, because for the 10+ years I have had complete control, now I have to work as team!!! UGH! Haha)

Now, if I give up that control, what happens?  How do I live me life? I have to have faith in God that He will hold true to Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE."

Mirriam-Webster online says that HOPE means:
 - the feeling of wanting something to happen and thinking that it could happen: a feeling that something good will happen or be true.
- the chance that something good will happen
- someone or something that may be able to provide help: someone or something that gives you a reason for hoping
- to expect with confidence
- to cherish a desire with anticipation

All of these ways to define hope point to one thing - STAYING POSITIVE & HAVING FAITH that GOD IS IN CONTROL. Jeremiah 29:11 says it all.


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