Get Distracted - Lose Focus - Whoops!!!

If you know me, you know that one of my favorite things to do is mow! I love to mow! I love to feel the sun beating down on me, I turn my music up and drown out the world! I sing as loud as I can, not caring how I sound. I still think, yes, sometimes over think, because I wouldn't be me if I didn't.

Well today was a different kind of day while mowing, my attitude was different, I was almost more at peace. I'm starting to get some things figured out. I know I'm still going to struggle with it, but how I choose to face that struggle is going to change.

As I was mowing the row, I took my eyes off of my line, looked out at the road, because I thought I saw someone from my past. Someone who is no longer in my life, who shouldn't have been there in the first place, shouldn't have held a spot of as long as he did.

When I looked out at the road, my row started to curve, it took me a minute to realize that this had happened. When I was able to get back on track I thought about what had just happened and how it relates to a lot of peoples lives, mostly my own. When I keep my eyes focused on Jesus my life can follow a solid, good path. As soon as I take my eyes off of Jesus, my path curves, winds, hits huge pot holes.

This has been me the past few weeks. I completely took my eyes off of Jesus. For many reasons, once I lost my focus, everything kept pulling my focus farther away. If after the first bump I had shifted my focus back to mowing my semi-straight row, I wouldn't have ended up with a windy, 90 degree turn in my row.

Now, if you look at my picture, my row is not perfectly straight, but, that's okay. No one's life is perfectly straight. There are so many obstacles, temptations, hills and valleys. How I handle those obstacles defines us? Do I rely on God? Do I submit to God, to His will? Do I turn away and let the problems pile up before I get it? Do I focus more on God or give up?

I know the past few weeks that I lost focus and gave up, I turned away. I turned away because I thought I wasn't good enough. I thought why would God love me after the way I acted. I forgot that God loves me, no matter what, all I can do is ask for forgiveness and move on, submitting to Him, giving Him control of everything.

Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. 


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