OK God. I get it! I'll obey you!!!!!

Our small group at church had an assignment to find our favorite Proverbs verse, and be ready to talk about it by the next time we meant, tonight! 

As usual, I go through the normal steps. 

Step 1; Freak out! Are you kidding me? I have to actually talk during small group? In front of people! (Yes,  I know, I'm an adult! But, still......I despise talking in front of groups!)

Step 2: Search through all of Proverbs, finding something I underline that is my favorite verse, or at least comes close.

Step 3; Keep searching! Don't give up! If Step 2 does not fulfill the desired request! NO EXCUSES! (You've already been questioned once today, "Aren't you a new creation?") Keep going! 

Step 4: Once you have found a verse that might closely resemble something your favorite verse, over research it!!!!!  Okay, I'm really kidding, but I did! 

Step 5: Write a blog about it! Okay, seriously, I know I'm crazy, but this is how my brain works. (I blame it on my stroke a few years ago! Thinking on the spot gets me every time, so if I blog about it, then my thoughts are clear and organized and the conversation doesn't go something like this..........."Um, well, I don't know. Maybe," - Repeating as necessary.) 

These steps for me actually relate to a lot of my life!!! Again, I know I'm crazy! 

So, anyway, my somewhat favorite verse? Proverbs 4:23. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. (I might partly like it, because it's short and I now have it memorized! HAHA!) 

As I was trying to figure out why it could be my favorite, I researched it. 

Well, I googled it! Isn't that what all good researchers do? 

Anyway, ended up on a quite interesting article. I encourage you to read whole thing, but the following part was what really got me. 

There are many things that can harden the heart and lead a person to deny God, and just like cholesterol blocks blood flow, they keep a believer from having a free flow of God’s peace and blessings derived from obedience. Guarding against a rebellious spirit and cultivating a spirit of submissive obedience to God’s Word, therefore, is the first step in guarding the heart.

Read more:http://www.gotquestions.org/guard-your-heart.html#ixzz3c1pQGIHx

Yep, I get it God! The last few weeks were pretty bad, because I wasn't guarding my heart. I fell away, I'm sorry. I might have denied You! I stopped praying and stopped reading Your word, which I guess can be considered denial. (I should probably stop saying, I guess!) 

The past is exactly that, the past. I must move forward and make better choices, starting out by "guarding my heart." 
Image result for Proverbs 4:23


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