Now to apply everything...........

This has been a problem I've pretty much had since I started blogging. I know what I need to do, but doing it is the hardest part. Application of  things that I've wrote about. Everything from forgiveness, moving on, putting the past behind me, being more positive, everything!

Why is this so hard? Probably because I'm not giving it all to God. I've not took that last step in saying, "Okay, now what? What would you like me to do?" I'm still trying to completely control everything that happens in my life.

I've had some jealous feelings this week towards a couple people in my life. (This is something I struggle with more that I need to.) I'm jealous that I can see God working in their life. I see it! But, why can I not see it in my life. Where's God at in my life? I like to hope that he's helping me with this blog, but I don't know.

I have a lot of questions as far as how God wants to use me? But I think, how can He use me, if I'm not willing/able to open up to others. I see others that are willing to almost completely open up there lives for others to view, I can't do that. So, maybe that's why God is saying, nope.

I don't know, but I do know I have got to completely submit to God!!
Image result for romans 12:1-2


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