Those "Blink" moments

After having many good days in a row, sometimes it hits me. The struggles, the fears, everything hits me like a ton of bricks. What really is hitting me is the devil. Makes me wonder if he’s sitting there waiting, thinking, when am I going to have a chance. Then I get caught so off guard that I stumble. 
During the time that I stumble, what do you think God is saying, or thinking. I struggle with this. Instead of knowing what I need to do, read, pray & write. I let the devil suck me in, with worry, dwelling, and over-thinking. Today, I got caught up in how many people I have disappointed, even those that are in heaven. I know in my head this is not something that I need to worry about, but it’s always with me. How do I let this go?

Today, I picked up my book Mended.  Of course the chapter talked about dwelling and overthinking, and missing those “Blink” moments. I can about guarantee anytime that I pick up this book it’s going to be relevant to what is going on that day. Those moments that you want to snap a picture to stay in your memory forever. The author talked about those times that she knew that God was there and other memories that she keeps in her head. My “blink” moments? I have so many, but most of them are related to my kids. How many moments have I missed in the past few months? Where am I? Where is God? I’m struggling with this. Why? I know He is there, but I feel like I just have a hard time grasping this.

The one sentence that I did pick out of this chapter was “I have choices, every second of every day, to serve my Lord. To honor Him my speech and with my thoughts, with the way I love those around me, and the way I worship Him.” Am I serving the Lord by worrying? By over-thinking? By dwelling? No, most certainly not. I have to let this go!!!! Can I change anything by worrying about it? NO.

Most days that I struggle, it’s due to over-thinking, worrying, & dwelling. My best friend is great at reminding me that I have a choice. It’s my choice to dwell and let it ruin my day, or to “serve my Lord.” I need to remember this every day! I’m guessing I’ll still need to be reminded.

I know that God has been with my husband and I the past few months while we are working things out. I know he has been with me when I’ve been healing. I know it was his plan for us to go to church that first Sunday. I could feel him there. I’ve felt him there many times, but why do I still feel the need to go back to worrying, dwelling, over-thinking?

Dear Lord, please help me to stop worrying about circumstances that are out of my control. Please help me to live again for the “blink” moments. Please help me to serve you at every moment of my day. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


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