The Other Shoe

Image result for isaiah 14:27 niv
Have you ever heard that saying, "I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop." Well, that's pretty much how I've lived my life. When things are going good, I'm always thinking in the back of my head, "it won't go good for very long, the other shoe will drop soon." Even growing up I was like that. It's almost a defense mechanism. If I always think that, then I will be prepared when things do go bad.

But, how much of my life is wasted by thinking this way? Instead of trying to look at the positive, I am constantly in waiting. So, I've spent over 24 hours stressing, worrying about this whole thing of letting the other shoe drop. Did that glorify God in anyways? Nope! What a waste of a day!!!!

While looking for a picture to put with this blog I found a couple scriptures that I needed to hear. The one attached, "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27 I think that I am still "afraid" to be happy, to be genuinely happy! Most of my life has not been happy. What a change that is going to be for me. I want this for my kids more then anything! Things are getting better, but it's still a fear for me. Most people really do not understand this.

The second one I found that I liked was; Isiah 14:27 "Nothing can stop God's plan for your life."
What good is it for me to constantly wait for the other shoe to drop, is it going to change His plan for my life? No!!! He is always there, if something does happen what do I need to do? Go to Him! Through prayer and reading His word. God's plan is perfect, why worry about it.

Now, to make sure that I am living what I write..................


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