Running out my Frustrations
Did you ever have one of those days that it seemed like no matter what you did it wasn't right? That was my day. I don't know that there was a particular incident that made me feel like that. Maybe, it was just an overall feeling from the last year. I really don't know.
I get frustrated because things don't go my way, because I'm doing things wrong, because I make the wrong choices, because I screwed up, because it feels like I'm never going to change, because I can't do things, because ..............................The list could go on and on.
Last night, I was extremely frustrated, and I got rid of it by running. (Okay, I didn't actually get rid of it, I subsided it) I ran two miles (separate times) at over 11 minutes per mile. Yes, I am sore! I was happy that I pushed myself to do it. There were many times that I wanted to stop, but I just kept pushing, no matter how much my muscles were screaming at me. Why can't I be like that all the time? Why can't I push through at all times? Why do I think that I can't do it?
Lord, please give me the strength to keep pushing myself, Amen.
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